Book: 240 pages + Website: 120 pages + Jobportal: 40 pages = 400 pages AMBION
We have been very busy and are thus starting the new year 2023 at full communication power. Our new website has now been joined by the AMBION Brand Book. Together with the AMBION Job Portal, we now cover the areas of marketing, human resources, sales and project work with new, modern communication initiatives. In the Brand Book, we present our services, our way of thinking and many interesting projects from the last 30 years on 240 pages.

Why a book?
The question why we are choosing to publish an analog brand book in times of digitalization and extended reality is easy to answer: A book offers something physical and haptic. It feels good in the hands, it smells of production, it tells stories, it’s honest – and it gives the reader a live experience of our company.
Of course, the digital aspect is not completely absent. At many points, the book builds a bridge to the new website: The AMBRAIN product family as AR models, videos and the recruiting game PACK ES expand the analog book content into a well-rounded experience.
And stay tuned! There will be more coming from us soon.