SUPEROOM XR is AMBION’s XR studio in Berlin, which also works for live productions. New worlds, impressive scenes, visualizations of complex information and fantastical highlights can expand event and show possibilities into new realms. A product presentation under water, a future talk in the jungle, a fashion show in a futuristic surreal world, a music act on Mars – or simply all of that together?
AMBION’s SUPEROOM XR provides a studio environment for flexible and fantastic staging and virtual productions of next-level live events and pre-productions. Right next to the BETTER NOW STUDIOS Berlin, the basic studios for digital productions. Here is enough space for virtual, but also hybrid productions with and without spectators.
- 32 sqm matte LED floor
- 35 sqm LED back wall system
- Camera-to-camera crane
- Camera on pedestal
- Camera tracking system
- Blacktrax tracking system
- Dynamic lighting system